Saint Gregory the Great Parish will welcome Bishop Douglas Crosby for the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation with the youth of our parish. Confirmandi, their parents and sponsors are asked to arrive at the church by 6:30pm (30 minutes before the start time of the service.) Parking on the streets surrounding Saint Gregory’s is […]
Holy Week/Easter is the pinacle of the Church’s Liturgical Year. During this week Christians recall, in a special way, the Paschal Mystery – The Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. St. Gregory the Great Parish invites all to our Holy Week – Easter Liturgy celebrations and provides the following schedule […]
Cleaner – Job Description
Our Legion of Mary ministry will be leading a Marion Rosary procession in the neighbourhood immediately following Sunday Mass. Participation is one way to help us focus on May as the traditional month of Mary. Everyone is invited to take part in this beautiful devotion to our Blessed Mother.
We are happy to announcement that St. Gregory’s Parish will hold a procession in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Tuesday, August 15th (Feast Day) following the 7pm Mass. All are invited to join us in this wonderful profession of faith.
SPRING CLEANING SWAP – Sunday, June 25th Do you have clothes, shoes, books, children’s toys, small household items, small garden items, etc. that you would like to clear out of your home? If they are in good condition and with all their parts in working order, then consider bringing them to a SWAP event being […]
Many hands make light work! To prepare for the upcoming summer months, parishioners are invited to assist with the annual spring cleanup of our church property. We will be picking up debris, refreshing our flower gardens by planting some new flowers, placing some mulch, trimming a few bushes and trees, and taking care of anything […]
MAY IS THE MONTH OF MARY Please join us on Sunday, May 7th as we crown the statute of Mary. The crowning will take place at 10am Mass. Alyanna who received her First Holy Communion on April 22 will join us in placing the crown on Mary. At the end of Mass Fr. Khalid and […]
The Legion of Mary will run a Columban Drive (membership drive) after all weekend Masses on February 11 & 12, 2023 Membership is open to all Men and Women 18 years and over. Grow in profound devotion to the Blessed Virgin and participate in the works to holiness in our parish by joining the Legion […]