St. Gregory Conference of St. Vincent de Paul would like to sincerely thank the congregation for your support, through your donations, for the last 21 years! We gave 100% of your generous donation to the needy, your neighbours in the St. Gregory’s community. Due to aging out and growing health issues our President and core volunteers will be retiring/resigning & closing the St. Vincent de […]
As part of the preparation of our grade two students who are to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion, we will be conducting a Parent Meeting to review the formation program and answer any questions. All parents of students who will be requesting reception of these sacraments are asked to attend. The […]
St. Vincent De Paul Envelopes. Please do not use the envelopes as of September 1st, 2024. All EFT for SVDP will automatically stop on September 1st, 2024. We ask that you consider switching your SVDP offering to become part of your regular offering to St. Gregory Church. Thank you for all your past support of […]
All things of creation are children of the Father and thus brothers of man. In honour of the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, the Patron of ecology and animals, we will be offering prayers and a blessing for all of the pets in our community. Bring your pets to the front doors of the […]
Come Share our Parish Community Spirit! Feast Day of St. Gregory the Great will be celebrated by the coming together of St. Gregory’s Parish & St. Behnam Parish’s with a Mass celebrated on Sunday, September 22th at 11:00am followed by Coffee Fellowship in the parish hall. Come and celebrate St. Gregory as a community. All […]
Items from the Holy Land will be on sale this weekend after each Mass. Mass schedule Saturday, July 27th following the 5pm Mass and Sunday, July 28th following the 10am Mass. Let us support the Holy Land for further details visit
Let us all welcome Deacon Neil Devereaux to St. Gregory the Great. Please take a minute in the next few weekends to introduce yourselves to him.
Fr. Khalid and St. Behnam wishes to invite the parishioners of St. Gregory’s to celebrate Father’s Day on Sunday, June 16th. This event will start with a combined Mass of our two communities 11:00am. Following Mass we will gather in the parking lot for a Father’s Day picnic. Tickets: Adult $10 & Kids $5 (covers […]
Chalice is coming to St. Gregory the Great Parish! On the Feast of Corpus Christi, At the June 1-2 Masses, Canada’s largest Catholic Child Sponsorship organization will provide you the opportunity to begin a relationship with a child in the developing world through the benefits of Child Sponsorship. It is a powerful way to reveal God’s love for those most […]
The Knights of Columbus will again be offering replicas from the collection of Timothy Schmalz this weekend. Many new religious statues to choose from. Donations will be accepted and will support the Knights of Columbus charities right here in Cambridge. Let us be generous. Available after this weekends Masses.