Weekend Masses Sat – 5:00pm, Sun – 10:00am
Weekday Masses: Tues – 7:00pm, Wed-Fri – 8:15am
Confessions: Tues. 6:00pm-6:30pm Sat. 10:00am-10:30am
Click for Address & Directions

Father’s Day Picnic

Fr. Khalid and St. Behnam wishes to invite the parishioners of  St. Gregory’s to celebrate   Father’s Day on Sunday, June 16th.   

This event will start with a combined Mass of our two communities 11:00am.

Following Mass we will gather in the parking lot for a Father’s Day picnic. 

Tickets: Adult $10 & Kids $5 (covers drinks, DJ & activities). 

Food: Bring your own or purchase Burgers/hot dogs/sausage/falafel sandwiches at a cost of $5 each.

Tickets are available after Mass or call the office.